Patanjali Atta -2Kg


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Wheat is probably the most common cereal available all over the world. Patanjali whole wheat atta is prepared by high quality of whole wheat (Triticum aestivum), which is passed through  different testing such as moisture, hectoliter. Patanjali Whole wheat atta is extremely beneficial for healthy living. It considerably lowers the hazards of heart diseases, owing to its comparatively low fat content. It also regulates blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. The nutrient value of Patanjali Whole wheat atta is retained even after processing because  the milling of  whole wheat is done by traditional way i.e by chakkies.
Patanjali Whole Wheat atta  is able to provide you with an immense energy source due in all parts of the grain kernel, including the bran, germ, and endosperm.


  • Patanjali Whole wheat atta is rich in catalytic elements, mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, arsenic, silicon, manganese, zinc, iodide, copper, vitamin B, and vitamin E thus it is useful in issues like anemia, mineral deficiencies, gallstones, breast cancer, chronic inflammation, obesity, asthenia, tuberculosis, pregnancy problems and breastfeeding problems.
  • It contains high amount of carbohydrates thus it is good source of energy.
  • It is helpful for developing the brain as it contains MUFA and PUFA.
  • It is beneficial for healthy Heart and good digestion as it contains dietary fibre.


  • Whole Wheat.